Sunday, November 23, 2014

#43 - Twisted Into Form

At number 43 comes our fifth Norwegian band, the incredibly adventurous Twisted Into Form.  I don't think this was ever anything more than a one-off, but wow what a one-off it is.  According to the band, they started working on writing the album around the year 2000 and six years later produced an album that clearly required every minute of the interim to prepare.

"Instinct Solitaire", the song I've chosen to share with you, comes charging right out of the gate; up-tempo and twisty as all get out.  The introduction foreshadows some of the song's thematic material, but is mostly all over the place rhythmically and melodically, setting the listener up for the kind of relentless technical playing and shifting time that's in store.  The vocals enter at 0:31 over an only slightly more consistent feel.  The chorus at 0:57 is a bit more melodic still, but don't expect "Rainbow Connection".  There's a brief guitar at 1:26, which leads into an instrumental section which builds quickly from a quiet jazzy arpeggiated lead at 1:37 to a recap of the head at 2:05 followed by a coda from 3:03 to the end.  Prepare to have your mind blown.

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